Friday, March 20, 2020

Vernal equinox and Day 9 of the lockdown


Day 9 of the COVID-19 lockdown in Denmark.

March 20, the vernal equinox, when day and night are the same length. The fine weather over the last few days has drawn people out of their homes, to bask in the sun, flouting the law against assembly of more than 10 persons at a time. The national police chief reminds the public to maintain a two-meter distance from other persons in public spaces.  In the coming days, police action will shift from reminders and advice to fines and even force.

Bestseller, the fashion giant behind the labels Vero Moda and Only, fires 750 employees, 15% of its workforce. All over the country, a job is lost every 25 seconds.

The Norwegian government announces a 6B NOK (3.7B DKK) guarantee to save airlines SAS and Norwegian. 

In Denmark, 1255 have been infected so far, 186 in hospital, 37 in the ICU, and 9 dead. In Italy, 627 die in a single day, the worst yet.

Globally, the death toll exceeds 10,000. But in China, no new infections have been reported for the second day in a row.


A video of celebrities singing "Imagine" would have been precious just a day or so ago; now it is just cringe-worthy. 


In Metro Manila, an image of curfew violators under arrest in circulates on social media. They are huddled together in a wire cage designed for hauling garbage. One hospital reveals that 140 of their medical staff have been exposed to the coronavirus and must undergo quarantine.

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